WGBC Advancing Net Zero Status Report for 2022
July 2022
Shaping the future of the built environment

The latest World Green Building Council Advancing Net Zero Status Report celebrates accelerated action and leadership in tackling whole life carbon.

As a Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment signatory, we're proud to be part of this initiative and play our part as a collective in making significant net zero progress.

The report highlights action from Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment signatories, who are working to decarbonise their own building portfolios and go further, faster than other mainstream actors, and advocating for market transformation through their own projects.

"Despite the latest IPCC report’s warning that current national pledges are still not ambitious enough to stop global warming exceeding 1.5°C, I see signs of hope emerging from our sector. 2022 marks World Green Building Council’s (WorldGBC) 20 years anniversary. What started out as eight founding Green Building Councils (GBCs) has grown into a network of over 70 and their 36,000 members. And in the past 12 months, I have witnessed new heights of collaboration across our network. Advancing Net Zero (ANZ) is our global programme and a critical driver for this work. Its mission is to raise the bar for industry climate action. Alongside the pioneering work of the programme’s 30 participating Green Building Councils, partners, and Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment signatories, we are making global impact through local action. As we build on last year’s momentum and head into COP27 in Egypt this year, we will continue to strengthen our collaborative efforts with industry, sub-national and national governments to accelerate sustainable built environments for everyone, everywhere.”
Cristina Gamboa
CEO of the World Green Building Council
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