£110 million
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
Integrated Health Projects
IBI Group / AD Architects
- Healthcare
- Engineering design services
WINNER 'Estates & Facilities Team of the Year' IHEEM Awards 2019
- WINNER 'Estates & Facilities Team of the Year Building Better Healthcare Awards 2019
In 2014 Barnet and Chase Farm Hospital became part of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.
One of the first commitments is to redevelop Chase Farm Hospital, making it fit for purpose to deliver 21st Century healthcare and provide world class care close to where the patients live.
We were delighted to have been appointed in December 2014 as part of the Integrated Health Projects P21+ team to design the redevelopment.
The design for this £110m healthcare facility has been undertaken in Revit and the team will deliver BIM level 2.
We also provided a development control plan to inform the enabling works strategies and land sale process.
The energy centre for the new hospital will be provided by the Carbon and Energy Trust Fund via the ESCo procurement route. We set the detailed performance requirements for this energy centre, which must deliver all energy to the hospital whilst achieving the Trust’s energy and carbon targets.
2016 will see our design strategies being delivered, providing resilient energy efficient solutions to support a modern healthcare campus including elective care, paediatric, elderly care, rehabilitation and surgical facilities.
The Local Authority have set a condition for the hospital part of the development to provide for no less than a 35% reduction on the total CO? emissions over Part L of Building Regulations 2013. This condition is based on the carbon reduction targets set by the Mayor of London.
To achieve this, we set a clear strategy for engineering systems, following the London Plans “lean, clean and green” approach. The “lean” performance of this new hospital exceeds the Part L2A carbon targets, even before we apply the further improvements. The addition of gas fired CHP further reduces the hospitals carbon footprint.
The combined CO2 emissions for the healthcare development equates to an improvement of 45.3% exceeding the 35% target.
The facility when open in 2018 will provide the Trust with:
- Barn theatre (including 4 tables)
- UCV and general theatres
- 1st / 2nd stage recovery beds
- 3 HDU beds
- MRI and CT Scanner
- 3 Dental suites
- 4 Endoscopy suites
- 46 Outpatient consult / exam rooms
Over the past few years we have developed a great working relationship with the Trust and are supporting them on a number of other initiatives and projects throughout their estate.