Approx £200,000
120,000 sq. ft
Otis / Parkeray
- Jones Lang LaSalle
- Troup Bywaters + Anders
Heyne Tillett Steel
June 2022
- Feasibility Study
- Lift Consultancy
- Technical Advisory Service
- Project Management
Troup Bywaters + Anders (TB+A) was appointed by Roku c/o JLL to undertake a feasibility study for the installation of a new lift shaft and Goods lift within an existing new building which the client was due to occupy. The new Goods lift was specifically being installed to move large equipment around the property that the existing lift installation couldn’t handle due to the size.
Working in partnership with the client’s structural engineer and JLL consultancy team, TB+A undertook a site survey of the property and produced a detailed feasibility study. The report concluded that it would be possible to install a new lift shaft and Goods lift.
Following the initial appointment and feasibility study, TB+A was asked to produce a Performance Specification for the new Goods lift, tender the works and then oversee the installation alongside the Principal Contractor. The lift was successfully designed to be capable of handling the client’s large equipment.
A negotiated tender process was conducted by our Vertical Transportation (VT) consultancy team to confirm competitive market rates were achieved for the client and then a subsequent tender analysis report was issued to the client for approval.
Following the contract award our VT team continually attended the design meetings during the project. Then conducted periodic site surveys and meetings throughout to confirm that the lift installation was compliant with the Performance Specification and keep all parties up to date with progress.
Once the lift was installed and commissioned, TB+A completed a performance test of the lift installation and conducted a full documentation review.
A snagging list was issued to the contractor for completion following the performance test. This documentation was regularly reviewed until the issues raised had been completed.
The VT team is also providing support during the 12 months defects liability period following Practical Completion in case the client requires any assistance.